Not having a good week!

Both my Grandson and I are ill both have Tonsillitis plus I have laryngitis and he has ear infection swollen glands and possibly Mumps?????
so we are sick little bunnies both on penicillin and the pain is not nice !
Danny must have picked it up at school being only five and because he has to cuddle his Grandma so much he shared it with me LOL .
All sympathy greatly received

Hugs to all xxxxxxxxxx


  1. Oh No Fush, BOO HOO, Hope you are both feeling better real soon, sending big squishy healing hugs!!!. reading that 5!!! WOW where did that time go? xx

  2. Sorry to hear your ill Fushia, hope you and your grandson both get better very soon!

  3. so sorry to hear you're not well. i hope you both get better soon!


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