Good morning WOYWW'ERS

Good morning to you on this rainy windy day .
As you can see I have moved my stash to my bedroom temporarily as we are due to decorate downstairs this year ,I have managed to find a space at the bottom of my bed for my unit and a little corner for my table so it will not stop me playing plus some of my stash is under the bed LOL.
On my table is a picture frame I have tarted up cant see it very well and some practice stampings on mountboard .
I have already been playing up here as you can see by the distress ink stain on my cream carpet whoops !!
Well thats my place for this week if you would like to find out more and see more please go to the lovely Julia Dunnit's Blog and you will find a treasure chest of crafters
have a good week xxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Ooh you look like you're well set up so you can continue crafting through the decorating! Lots of goodies stashed in that unit! Good luck removing the DI stain! April #87 x

  2. Ooops! am sure you'll get that stain out! Take care, & enjoy WOYWW. Zo xx 77

  3. Hey - you look like you always belonged in your temporary spot - my biggest hang up about our future move is that I know I will have a three month gap from my art and craft supplies ARGGHH torture!

    dx @98

  4. Wow your stash looks awesome and very neat.

    Happy WOYWW. xx

  5. Glad it's not just me who has whoops with only on the carpet!! Have a great week hugs trace x 97

  6. I love that stain. All you need to do now is add coordinating stains to cover the entire carpet and you'll have redesigned your room before you know it!

  7. wow your new workspace looks fab.........Hope you have a kettle up there as a girl needs her hot drinks.....or possibly a crate of wine............. x

    1. Wine sounds like a great idea Netty LOL x

  8. Your temporary crafty, work space looks great and I hope all goes well with the decorating downstairs :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx #75

  9. Good luck with the decorating - hope it all goes well and you can quickly get back to normal crafting!!

  10. Im impressed with the space you have managed to move into considering the re-decorating, good on you.

    Eliza #26

  11. tut tut fancy getting stain on the floor,,,, a thing i would never do

  12. jam packed storage,shame about the carpet but if you drop a few more different colours it will be very pretty
    have a crafty week and
    happy woyww
    kay #98

  13. Well you look well settled in your temp craft space..Good luck with the decorating... Hugs May x x x No10

  14. Oooh Lynn that all looks very organised! We are decorating at the mo as well (that is of course the 'Royal' we, I have managed to put up three very small pieces of lining paper so far - OH has been at work all day and is painting as I type). Thanks for popping by to see me, Cindy X#43

  15. Hi Fuchsia. You must be sporting very big muscles after shifting that lot!! Better keep in shape for the big move back :-) WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 125

  16. awesome storage packed full of crafty goodness. I love all the peaks at boxes and drawers I see! Have a great week and thanks for commenting on my blog! Vickie #41

  17. Oh this looks like a good idea - you could sit up in bed and craft all night!

  18. I don't think there's room in my bedroom for any of my crafty stuff, but yu've made a great job of getting some of it in there! Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafty week. HaPpY WoYwW!
    ((Lyn)) feeling very old at #102!

  19. We can't let a bit of decorating stop our crafting now can we - LOL. I love your book cases - fab storage!

    Thanks for already coming to see my desk this week x
    WoYwW # 28

  20. I'll be moving all my stuff and then everything else in the house soon...for our renovations...acckkk!!

    I better leave a little box of stuff to play with ... down here in the basement...being just like Harry Potter....very quiet and pretending I don't exist ...

  21. Wow, you must be well organised to be able to move your stash to your bedroom and create there. It would take me months to do that. Your frame looks great!
    Hope you are having a good WOYWW, sorry I'm a bit late

  22. Oops on the distress ink stain. Dang! I think that might have to live there. I suggest a small accent rug after you move back to your remodeled space. I think it is great how you've gotten everything set up so you can still play. That would be very important to me too.

  23. You have organized all so well!
    I wish it was my craftrrom. ;)

    WOYWW nr 92 Susan

  24. Love how our craft stuff "fits" anywhere, great space xx

  25. You look like you have organised yourself well for your temporary crafting space. I had to smile at the ink splodge. That's something I'd do.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #74

  26. Wow, for a non permanent space, you've worked really hard to organise it so beautifully. The stain is DISTRESS ing....(get it!!), when you move out, you'll have to leave a slipper casually in place to hide it!!

  27. I had to move into a smaller space when my DD moved back home in December, but at least we have somewhere to play I suppose.
    Happy belated WOYWW

  28. Enjoy the decorating I'm still working on my other half !! Seeing this has made me start nagging him again!!!


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